Team Ordinary Athlete: Talamini, Gary

Why I Started Running:

In Feb, 2017, I weighed 297 lbs and I had to get down to 225 lbs by June to take my son’s scout to troop on a high adventure trek in the boundary waters of Minnesota. This amounted to a life-changing relationship with food and lots of backpacking. By the time the trip rolled around I was 221!


I continued to lose an additional 30 lbs trough the summer and I decided I needed to do something that would help me maintain it.

So on Aug 29, 2017 I started C25k. I progressed to C10k, then into the Higdon half-marathon training program followed by the Atlanta track clubs Peachtree training program then into full marathon training for October, 2018.

This spring I switched gears and threw the body for a loop training for an Olympic distance Triathlon!

The journey has been incredible and I look forward to a lifetime of running!

My Favorite Moments / Biggest Accomplishments:

Completing my first Peachtree would be my biggest moment. For 20 years I would say, “I’m going to lose weight, get in shape and run the Peachtree this July 4th.” I’ve done it two years in a row now, and although this years was special with the hubbub of 50 years, it doesnt touch 2018’s in my eyes.

Future Goals:

Im currently training for my second marathon, The Soldier Marathon in Columbus, GA on November 16.

After that I maybe look at a half-IM in the spring of 2020 ?
