Team Ordinary Athlete: Romans, Mike

My Running Story:

I’ve done several 5ks in my life for charity. Did a bodybuilding show, however realized I didn’t want my kids to see fitness as a vanity (not a life goal) so I switched. Did a 5k in Full Firefighting gear pack and all. Then progressed up from there and did my first half (2 actually) and full marathons last year. I am planning on sticking to the halves as I’m also training for a few 70.3 races with the ultimate goal of a Full Ironman. Only hangup with that goal is the amount of training and we have 4 kids now and do Traumatic Foster Care so who knows how many more lol. I’m also a sponsored Demo Athlete with Magnum Supplements out of Canada through my local gym. The owner could have chosen anyone but he chose me as I went from 240 to the 155 for the computation. ( not at that now). Fee free to reach out if you want more info on any of the journey!