Team Ordinary Athlete: Melohusky, Michelle

Why I Started Running:

My running journey could be described as a rollercoaster. Everytime I would get on a roll, there would be a twist or turn that would slow things down. I always come back to it. Running is my home, where my heart is happy.

My Dad was a long distance runner, it has always been a part of my life.

My Favorite Moments / Biggest Accomplishments:

Annual Buffalo Turkey trot- 8k with 14,000 trotters
May 2017 Buffalo half marathon
May 2018 a good friend learned she could run a marahon and she did
May 2018 Buffalo marathon
Sept 2018 Erie marathon
Plantar fasciitis-

Future Goals:

Nov 2019 Buffalo Turkey Trot
No big races planned until I know how the foot will hold up. Taking it slow and easy