Team Ordinary Athlete: Magana, Ray

My Running Story:

I began running in the Spring of 2013. In the days following the Boston Marathon bombing, I decided to do something. Something about seeing Runners just a few yards from the Boylston Finish line, and not finish, didn’t sit well with me. The Saturday following the attack, our local Runners from Raleigh returned from Boston and organized a Charity run for those affected. This was my first run since High School. I fell in love with it! I decided to sign up for a local Church 5k….then a 10K. Before you knew it, I was registered for my first Half Marathon just five short months after the Boston run. In January of 2014, I made my Full Marathon debut at the Walt Disney World Marathon in Florida. Since then, i’ve completed: 14 Marathons and 46 Half Marathons. I am an Abbot World Marathon Major Finisher with two New York City Marathon medals! I will be checking another Bucket List race off my list in October of 2019, when I join Team Ordinary at the 44th Marine Corps Marathon in Washington, DC.