Team Ordinary Athlete: Hay, David

Why I Started Running:

I always hated running. I was a hockey player and football player. And relatively chubby. I always avoided running if I could. I wasn’t completely terrible, I did run a sub-6 mile at one point…I just hated it. As I got older I found the only really way to shed excess weight was running (and eating like a human rather than a hippo). I’ve continued to have a love hate relationship (I still hate it but love the feeling of accomplishment. But mostly hate it). As I recover from a pretty brutal leg injury (ruptured quad tendon), I’m using “eventually running a race” as a goal.

My Favorite Moments / Biggest Accomplishments:

Completing the Lake Placid half marathon more than two minutes ahead of the top female finisher…in the full marathon. Hey, I’m slow but it was a Huge win for me.

Future Goals:

Running a race. Any race. I had a complete rupture of the left quadriceps tendon in early April, 2019. It has been a long and painfully slow recovery that is made tougher by my age (43) and physical condition (picture a hairy chested blob fish). My orthopedic surgeon has recommended I wait a full f@cking year before attempting to run. So for now I’m living on the bike. Just purchased a peloton (cause I’m a sucker for marketing). Here’s to six more months of rehab with the dream of one day running a 3 hour half marathon.