Team Ordinary Athlete: Hansen, Dawn C

Why I Started Running:

My cousin talked me into doing Mayors’ Marathon with her as a training walk. She was doing the Breast Cancer 3 Day in my honor, and needed to do about 20 miles; we had trained to 8. So we do this marathon, and I swore I would Never do another. Fast forward 2 months, and we did Humpy’s Marathon together, with much better results. I swore I was done at 2. That was about 20 years ago, I am well past 50 marathons, the vast majority were Humpy’s, but 3 were Mayors’. I still dislike the course, but love the distance, so I keep going, and encouraging others to find their distance and do it.

My Favorite Moments / Biggest Accomplishments:

Favorite moments are cheering in a first time marathoner, or triathlete. It is such a huge accomplishment, and they need to know how special that really is.

My biggest accomplishment was a PR on the Flying Pig, also my favorite race. We were under a black flag, and I had a sub 10 minute mile for mile 26.

Future Goals:

My goal is to beat my best time, while still encouraging others. My next two marathons are within 2 weeks of each other. Runs with Scissors in Brighton, CO on April 4, 2020, and Foot Levelers Blue Ridge Marathon in Roanoke, VA on 18 April 2020.

I also hope to find some sanity at a future race.