Team Ordinary Athlete: Fano, Lorraine

My Running Story:

A local running store was offering a free coached C25k program. I really don’t know what prompted me to sign up because I’d never run a day in my life. I was in my early 50’s and I thought it would be cool to run a 5k. I completed the program 4 years ago, ran the 5k, was pretty damn proud of myself. Then I did nothing for almost 2 years.

My sister mentioned a running club that a friend was in. I checked it out. Now almost 3 years later I’ve run many 5ks, 10k’s, a Rugged Maniac, many half marathons, 2 marathons, and currently registered for my 3rd marathon. I made many friends along the way. I’m maintaining a healthier lifestyle, and my kids are proud of their mom. What could be better than that?

I look forward to running with new friends, and encouraging one another through this extraordinary team. Thank you Katy for referring me to this uplifting, motivating, and supportive team.