Team Ordinary Athlete: Beason, Jeff

Why I Started Running:

I was 41 years old and pushing 300 pounds. I went to the doctor for my yearly physical where they ran all the typical blood work. When the results came back, I was told that my cholesterol was over 220 and if I didn’t change things, I was in danger of becoming a diabetic. It was then and there that I decided to make some changes. My father had died of heart disease just a few weeks before his 45th birthday, I definitely wanted to avoid that path.

I immediately changed my diet. Soon after, I quit smoking and started exercising. I tried several things including cross fit, fitness boot camp and weight lifting. After several months, I found my passion in running. The versatility of running is what kept me coming back, I could run with a group, by myself, in my neighborhood or on the trails-this is the beauty of running.

My Favorite Moments / Biggest Accomplishments:

There are so many favorite moments, anytime I get a personal record or accomplish a new and unfathomable distance. My two favorite moments are when I finished the Arkansas Traveller 100, earning my first 100 mile buckle. The other was finishing the Full Moon 50k in 6 hours 21 minutes. This time was 37 minutes faster than my previous record and 3 minutes faster than my slowest marathon.

Future Goals:

Right now I am in recovery mode from my attempt at the Leadville 100 trail race. Having missed a cutoff at mile 44 was devastating, but has given me more drive. So my biggest goal is to finish the Leadville 100 on August 22, 2020. Of course there will be races between now and then, I love running the Navy 10 Nautical Miler in Memphis, TN and the Full Moon 50k in the Ouachita National Forest.